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Dear Reader,
I love to share my words with the world. Mixing my personal experiences and stories with my knowledge and understanding of integrative wellness, I hope to offer authentic ways to better one's health, deepen one's thoughts, and strengthen one's connection with their inner light.
Below is a collection of some of my writings.
With Love,

1 min read
"Faith allows you to trust the direction without needing to understand it." I've mentioned it before: I like to overthink. I tend to...

2 min read
The Wisdom of Trees
It’s said that a flower is the highest essence of a plant because the plant has grown from a tiny seed to a whole plant, despite all...

1 min read
Choices, choices, choices. Thinking, and then overthinking. Today's world has thousands of options and choices to make on a daily basis....

5 min read
Happy New Year!
I have always enjoyed the energy of the New Year. The collective feeling of a fresh start, the quietness that lingers as people recover...

2 min read
I have been struggling with the word, or rather the title, "healer." I went into medicine to help heal people, make them feel better, and...

2 min read
Happy Winter Solstice
And Happy Yule! This ancient Pagan holiday celebrates the winter solstice (December 21-22) in the Northern Hemisphere. It's challenging...

2 min read
Deep Breaths
What if I told you that taking a few deep breaths could not only reset your mind but also reset your entire mood, your heart rate, and...

2 min read
Reconnect and Commit
"Life is best spent focusing on your goal and dancing through all other distractions." Obligations, responsibilities, timing conflicts,...

2 min read
You Are Everything!
You are everything! There is not a single trait that you do not own. When you look at someone you admire, identify the things you most...

4 min read
Thanksgiving & Indigenous People
November is Native American Heritage Month & today is Thanksgiving Day. While I do believe we should celebrate all that we are thankful...

3 min read
Finding the Feminine
I used to equate femininity to characteristics like being small, dainty, thin, little, and delicate, as well as being dressy, girly,...

1 min read
What You (Don’t) Want
I believe that what we focus our thoughts and energy on, we attract and manifest in our lives. We often find ourselves discussing and...

2 min read
Opinions of Others
I had a wonderful chat with a friend last week about doing our thing in life, paving our own paths in what we're interested in. And with...

1 min read
Push & Pull
Push and pull. Tension and relaxation. The two forces, the two sides of life, when in perfect balance, create aligned progress. Too much...

4 min read
I decided to pick up a last-minute shift on Saturday at the cannabis clinic where I work per diem. I woke up that morning feeling...

1 min read
Giving Attention to Detail
"The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all of the details of daily life." - William Morris Slow down today,...

1 min read
What if...
What if when an idea or goal came to me, I ran with my excitement? And when troubled thoughts arose, I gave them time and space but not...

1 min read
To Live Small
I want to live small. I want to live within my means. I wish to reside in a perfectly sized home for myself and my family, no bigger than...

1 min read
Good For Us, Good For Earth.
Heal the Earth, heal ourselves. Heal ourselves, and we heal the Earth. This thought has long passed through my mind, and I find it...

1 min read
Never Stuck
Are you genuinely stuck? Or do you not wish to take the next step? Be brave. Ask yourself what is holding you back. Chances are, you know...

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