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If It Doesn't Challenge You...

Last week, I talked about the importance of taking the first step, of just getting started no matter the difficulty, because once you do, momentum will be at your back, helping to push you along.

However, it leads me to another point within this—the real point of getting started in the first place.

As I climbed the 11 flights of stairs to get to my office in the hospital for work, a habit I only started a week ago, I passed by this quote in the stairwell.

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."

Typically, quotes hung up on a hospital wall don't have much effect on me. They can often feel basic and with little depth. But I thought this one was nicely placed for the individuals beginning their ascent up the stairs, questioning why they did not just take the elevator instead.

So, if you have a goal or a dream, it may come easily to you, but it also may not. It may feel difficult sometimes, and you may have to put up with aspects you do not enjoy. But when you can look past the short-term discomfort of the challenge, you allow yourself to enter into a zone of growth. Doing something you know is good for you when you don't feel like it or when it feels most like a challenge can change you and enlighten you. It can make you realize how capable you are of anything you wish to take on.

I am doing a 30-day challenge that I created for myself with personal goals, which includes a few smaller goals that I must accomplish each day, no matter how difficult or how much I do not feel like doing it. Each day includes getting movement in, spending time outdoors, eating veggies and fruit for dinner, journaling, and reading. In no particular order, all must be completed before I can go to bed. So, even if it's 8 pm, and I haven't accomplished all my goals, and I am feeling tired, I must squeeze in time for whatever I am still lacking, whether that's movement, reading, time outside, or journaling if not previously done.

What can I accomplish by completing this challenge? I don't know.

When I began it, I was hoping to get myself to commit to better habits. What initially seemed like difficult or time-consuming tasks are now relatively easy habits that require only a little planning and prioritization. But even more significant was what I noticed after pushing through some resistance. I realized the personal commitment and strength I already had and that I could keep a promise to myself.

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