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Dear Reader,
I love to share my words with the world. Mixing my personal experiences and stories with my knowledge and understanding of integrative wellness, I hope to offer authentic ways to better one's health, deepen one's thoughts, and strengthen one's connection with their inner light.
Below is a collection of some of my writings.
With Love,

4 min read
If it's out of your control, it should be out of your mind, too.
When you realize that anything out of your control should also be out of your mind, you can bring great peace to your life. Stressing...

4 min read
What We Find In Silence
Silence is scary. Silence can feel dark, empty, and lonely. To avoid these feelings, my brain can fill the silence with a million...

2 min read
On the Tetons...
I feel God here. I feel the beautiful glory that exists within our Universe. The sun travels across the great open sky, gifting us...

2 min read
Slow Down Summer
It happens every summer: My calendar gets filled up with exciting plans, activities, and commitments, and when the busy week arrives, I...

2 min read
Your Days "On"
There’s an idea that on your days off, you should live as if you already have your dream life, and then you’ll manifest it. While I love...

1 min read
Mothers As Teachers
Our mothers are our first and longest teachers. As young children, we watch and silently learn the ways of the world through our mother's...

1 min read
Innate Worth
Everything adds or subtracts value in some way. We can find the pros and cons of anything, be it relationships, jobs, large or small item...

2 min read
Finding Meaning in Mother Earth
Happy belated Earth Day! (But if we celebrate Earth each day, can we call every day Earth Day? In that case, Happy Earth Day today!) You...

1 min read
Doing Nothing
I always thought that doing nothing was bad. It meant I was lazy. Or that I was boring and couldn't find anything better to do. Not to...

3 min read
Why Care For Yourself?
I value health and wellness highly, so I might be biased when I say that health is the most important aspect of our lives. So, why care...

3 min read
Accepting All Parts
In the last few years, my inner world and, consequentially, my spirituality have expanded, and two of the greatest lessons I have learned...

3 min read
Set Your Phone Aside
Without a doubt, we are surrounded by constant stimulation and distractions seeking to steal our attention. The greatest of these is the...

3 min read
Happy Spring
With the changing of seasons, lengthening of days, warming of the air, and growing energy within the plants and animals around us, it's...

3 min read
A Curious Life
Are you feeling dull? Have you been looking for something to bring more excitement to your life or add a little pizzazz to your day? Look...

3 min read
The Choice
When discomfort arises, we have two choices: avoid it or drop into it. For myself, discomfort can look and manifest itself in many ways....

2 min read
If It Doesn't Challenge You...
Last week, I talked about the importance of taking the first step, of just getting started no matter the difficulty, because once you do,...

3 min read
An Object In Motion
Have you ever wondered why it's so difficult to begin something new? Why does the thought of just getting started feel daunting? I don't...

2 min read
There is magic in releasing, surrendering, and allowing what will be to be. And there is also power in working towards your goals and...

1 min read
You are the cheapskate, not god.
More often than not, we belittle our wants and desires, thinking, who am I to believe I deserve that? Or, worse, we shrug off totally...

1 min read
January's Full Moon
Good morning. I hope you have been well! Did you notice the full moon last night? Or did you sense stronger feelings or emotions over the...

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