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Highlight Reels

Dear Readers,

After a bit of time away, weekly writings are back! The end of fall came with a change in energy, requiring me to turn inward and do less. As with anything in life, there are seasons of change, and in the moment, it can be difficult to listen to and respect what our bodies or lives are asking of us, especially when that thing is resting. In a society that idolizes productivity and busyness, it can feel like the grind never stops, but if we do not prioritize our own wellness, no one will.

With the shorter days and the busy holiday season behind us, I hope we all can enjoy the quiet renewal that winter affords us. Rest longer if you need it, and do less if you need to. You create the rules. Find the balance of productivity and restoration that works best for you.

Over the past year, I have figured out my sweet spot between consistency and freedom. One without the other, I fall out of balance, but a perfect mixture of the two and magic happens. Though these weekly writings are not expected, I appreciate the requirement of discipline they ask of me. While there is no one in particular I am writing these for, the process of writing my thoughts consistently frees my mind and fills my well, and if I am lucky, sharing my words with an open world may inspire or resonate with even just one person. So, here is to a year of balance: consistency and freedom.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year!

With Love,



Is it possible to summarize the change and growth from an entire year in just one highlight reel?

I had thought of posting a highlight reel on social media for the past year, but the idea felt daunting. While flipping through photos from the camera roll and trying to select a few highlights from each month of the year, I felt inauthenticity growing inside me. Was this feeling coming from the concern of appearing braggy or like I was flaunting? 

Indeed, this is what much of social media is: the highlight reels of others' lives. But if we can recognize this, then is there harm in appreciating others' highlight reels? They likely worked hard for their time off and adventures bought. I love to see my friend's greatest moments shared, and equally, I am sure my true friends would feel the same about my highlights as well.

However, as I selected photos from my phone from trips I had taken, or adventures I went on, I looked for the most aesthetically pleasing images. Sorting through them, the thought that often comes to mind with every impressive scene or moment I try to capture on film arose, "This photo just doesn't do it justice." Not only this but much of what I am proud of from this year was not captured in a picture. While some growth and memorable moments came from fun trips or adventures outdoors, an equal if not more impressive amount came from quiet moments I spent alone, self-reflecting, working on my day-to-day routines, and bettering many habits that contribute to my wellness and overall self-care. 

While I love seeing the highlights of others' lives because many of us work hard to enjoy those fun, memorable moments, I also love to think of the ways each of us took care of ourselves, bettered ourselves, or learned to love ourselves or meet ourselves more deeply over the past year, and wish to give a moment of gratitude for those moments not captured on film or shared on social media. When we look through the photos of others, I hope we are able to recognize and appreciate the journey each of us is on, both seen and unseen.

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