"Counterintuitively, it is feeling pain - not masking it - that ultimately helps us heal."
When we hide away or try to cover up problems, they tend to resurface, often growing in size, making them increasingly difficult to ignore.
I have had pains and injuries over the years, and I have found that when I choose to push past them, I often create more significant problems down the line, which has taught me that addressing issues early on will save time in the long run. Through my work with physical therapists, I have learned that not all pain is bad but merely a signal from my body that might remind me of past painful stimuli. I've also had to learn how to breathe through pain while doing muscle/fascia work to help release tense or tight tissues and promote better blood flow, healing, and regrowth.
Similarly, while working through personal and interpersonal issues, it hasn't been avoiding problems that have helped me grow, but instead facing them head-on. While this stance can be easy for some scenarios, it can feel nearly impossible for others, especially when our brains want to protect us from uncomfortable situations, especially if they remind us of times we felt vulnerable or unsafe -similar to how the body's nervous system will remind us of pain during a movement because it wishes to avoid a repeated painful experience from the past.
In particular, many of us have struggled with breaking free from limiting beliefs. It's the mental barriers, the voices of others that we have allowed to shape us, that have held us back from being who we would love to be or doing what we would love to do. These limiting beliefs even have us questioning whether we should stand up or speak out in ways that are out of social norms or things our inner circle may judge us for. It's also difficult work to be honest about our emotions, recognize when they arise, look to the source of where they are coming from, and learn to face feelings rather than seek distraction. It's difficult, uncomfortable work, but it brings the most incredible relief when it's done. Going into the pain and the tender points breaks down the fear that may be controlling our lives. Going into the pain exposes it at its core, transmuting the emotions and allowing healing to begin, allowing for new growth.
Don't be afraid of pain. You are strong enough to face anything, to feel anything.
