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Breathing Through Tension

I often hold my breath throughout the day as I rush from task to task or encounter something uncomfortable or stressful. Rather than slowing down or giving myself a moment to adjust to the stressor, I continue to hold my breath, which inadvertently denies my body the vital oxygen it requires. 

The shallow breathing tells my body it's not yet safe to relax, pace myself, or process the emotions I've encountered. The mind may recognize the difference between this mental or emotional stress and that of a physical threat, but the body does not.

This tension becomes a physical representation of the stress and emotional baggage I have not allowed myself to release, of the relaxation I have denied myself. Too often, tension then leads to stress, which builds more tension. Shoulders remain tight, jaw clenched, heart constricted. The body notes this physical distress and interprets it as an attack on the system. We stay in our sympathetic state, prepared to fight the invisible enemy that is now chronic and unrelenting. 

But if we can cultivate awareness of this tension, we can make a small but profound change. By becoming conscious, we can decide to release the tension, whether it's physical or emotional. We can begin noticing where we are holding tension within our bodies or lives. Slowing down, we can find the areas where we feel stuck, heavy, tight, or painful. Then, we can learn more about the source of our tension by offering our slow and relaxed breath to the area as a metaphorical olive branch for restoration and healing through mindful curiosity. 

Breathing sends the message to our bodies that we are safe and have the space and energy to care for ourselves, even if, at the moment, all we have to offer is a single long, slow exhale and deep inhale. A simple deep breath means exchanging stale, old air for fresh oxygen that can permeate through our body, refreshing it. When we breathe deeply, our nervous system relaxes into the parasympathetic state, blood vessels dilate, muscles relax, and our heart rate slows.

A simple deep breath can change how we approach our day and the challenges that inevitably arise. Deep breathing can be our lifeline to rest and healing while engaging in a busy and stressful world. By simply remembering to breathe throughout the day, we can release the tension that often weighs us down.

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