73 million people voted for a president found liable for sexual abuse and twenty-six sexual misconduct allegations. 73 million people voted for a president with thirty-four felony counts. 73 million people voted for a president who has already been impeached and indicted for inciting a violent riot at the Capitol. 73 million people voted for a president who has said racist, discriminatory words about people of color and immigrants. 73 million people voted for a president who has vowed to deport millions of immigrants who have called this country home for over a decade. Over 73 million people voted for a president who wants to revoke transgender rights. Over 73 million people voted for a president who does not regard women's bodily autonomy.
I am shocked that so many people either do not care about this president-elect's wrongdoings or find his actions permissible. What does this say to the people he has wronged?
I was sexually assaulted during my first year of college—something I have only shared with my therapist and husband. At the time it happened, I was confused and ashamed. Having heard of other stories of women exiled from social groups after seeking help, I decided to keep it to myself. I was new to college and afraid this would stop me from making friends. So, I decided to let it go. I tried to tell myself that maybe it wasn't so bad; at least he used protection while I lay there half-conscious. As time passed, I even began to wonder if it had been my fault; after all, I had been drinking, though I now wonder what had been in my cup. I questioned if it was what I should have expected; after all, I was his date to the fraternity party.Â
I know now that none of what I experienced was okay. There was no consent, and I did not owe that man anything, let alone the most intimate parts of myself. But I didn't live in an environment where I knew I would be supported and believed and still welcomed after seeking help. I hope no other woman has to experience that, but I know it's not true. In fact, 1 in 4 undergraduate women experience sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation while in college, but only 20% of these women will report the event to law enforcement. Among the reasons for why victims do not report the crime include:
Fear of reprisal.
Believing it's not important enough to report.
Not wanting to get the perpetrator into trouble.
Believing the police would not or could not do anything to help.
We live in a society where women do not feel supported or that their bodily rights are important enough to be defended. We live in a society where women are not respected, and the election only echoes this. Half the country praises a rapist. And experiencing college and Greek life, I know the entitlement that many young, well-off white men enjoy. I know the kind of voice, power, and permission a man like the president-elect gives these men.
So, I find myself asking, how can so many people, including my family and friends, have chosen a man like this?Â
Does this mean the people who voted for him find it permissible to commit fraud and felonies?Â
Does this mean the people who voted for him think racist and derogatory remarks are permissible? That they are not incredibly harmful and dangerous?
Does this mean the people who voted for him do not feel concerned for the women in their lives and their access to healthcare?
Does this mean the people who voted for him find anyone accused of sexual assault not guilty?Â
And please don't tell me you voted for this candidate "for the economy." What does that matter when we have lost all regard for one another's rights and well-being?Â
Besides, in almost every measure of the economy, economic performance is stronger under Democrats than Republicans. 10 out of the 11 recessions in the modern era have begun under Republican presidents.
You might have some rebuttal to this fact; that's fine. I encourage you to let it go. Let go of your thought-terminating cliques and sit for a moment with whatever parts of this message were the most painful to read. Maybe none were, and I guess that's fine, too. If so, we might be on different paths, but even from mine, I wish you my best. Â
I know there is good in the world, in each of us, and we must do the work to find and awaken the light in others.
I will continue to have hope.Â
Hope for a world where all individuals feel safe and respected.
Hope for a world where mother nature is put first.
Hope for a world where capitalism does not go unfettered.Â
Hope for a world where scientific processes are respected over discredited conspiracies.
Hope for a world where people know empathy.
Hope for a world where all people are respected.Â
Hope for a world with leaders that unite us, not divide us.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Joint Economic Committee (JEC)